Thursday, December 26, 2019

Ethical, Morality, Or Survival Dilemma Of A College...

Ethical, Morality, or Survival: Dilemma of A College Athlete? Collegiate sports brings in over $6.3 billion a year to universities all over the country. The college coaches are compensated up to seven figure salaries to head the programs. College athletes are not paid one dollar for their contribution for the revenue being brought in to the universities as a result of their performance. There is a strong argument that could be presented by the student athletes and an equally strong case that could be presented by the education institution. There is a scene in the movie â€Å"The Program†, a motion picture depicting inside workings of a major college football program. The scene takes place at a team dinner for the team. It shows a wealthy alumni of the university engage a freshman running back in a conversation. He praised him for his performance on the field. Unbeknownst to the student athlete he slips an envelope, which is perceived to be money into his front pocket and walks away. The student athlete played by actor, Omar Epps, came t o the school as a highly recruited inner city athlete from a low socio economic background. Depending on your ethical upbringing, you may or may not have perceived this encounter as an illegal exchange. This cinematic portrayal of major college football life is realistic view of what is really taking place or at best has the possibility to happen. The fact that most major college athletes come from low income or broken households. StudentShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesBalance Work–Life Conflicts 21 †¢ Creating a Positive Work Environment 22 †¢ Improving Ethical Behavior 22 Coming Attractions: Developing an OB Model 23 An Overview 23 †¢ Inputs 24 †¢ Processes 25 †¢ Outcomes 25 Summary and Implications for Managers 30 S A L Self-Assessment Library How Much Do I Know About Organizational Behavior? 4 Myth or Science? â€Å"Most Acts of Workplace Bullying Are Men Attacking Women† 12 An Ethical Choice Can You Learn from Failure? 24 glOBalization! Does National Culture AffectRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words   |  269 PagesCalifornia State University–Dominguez Hills; Ben Lever III, College of Charleston; Dave Flynn, Hofstra University; Annette Gunter, University of Central Oklahoma; Marjorie Jones, Nova Southeastern University; and Koren Borges, University of North Florida. Our thanks, too, to the reviewers of previous editions of the text: Chi AnyansiArchibong, North Carolina AT State University; Lauryn Migenes, University of Central Florida; Jan Flynn, Georgia College and State University; Valerie S. Perotti, RochesterRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 PagesSensitive Line 58 Understanding and Appreciating Individual Differences Important Areas of Sel f-Awareness 61 Emotional Intelligence 62 Values 65 Ethical Decision Making and Values 72 Cognitive Style 74 Attitudes Toward Change 76 Core Self-Evaluation 79 SKILL ANALYSIS 84 Cases Involving Self-Awareness 84 Communist Prison Camp 84 Computerized Exam 85 Decision Dilemmas 86 SKILL PRACTICE 89 Exercises for Improving Self-Awareness Through Self-Disclosure 89 Through the Looking Glass 89 Diagnosing Managerial CharacteristicsRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagesfind this book timely, interesting and valuable. Peter Holdt Christensen, Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark McAuley et al.’s book is thought-provoking, witty and highly relevant for understanding contemporary organizational dilemmas. The book engages in an imaginative way with a wealth of organizational concepts and theories as well as provides insightful examples from the practical world of organizations. The authors’ sound scholarship and transparent style of writi ng set the

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