Sunday, November 3, 2019

Solar Energy Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Solar Energy - Research Proposal Example This study will attempt to address issues concerning current uses of solar energy, the amount that it generates as well as the prospects of this energy forms as a future energy source. Furthermore, there will be a discussion of environmental implications of using this form of energy with specific consideration of its being renewable. In addition, the costs of solar energy when compared to other forms of renewable forms of energy will also be addressed. There will be a study of whether or not this form of energy will likely become cheaper in coming years as more technologies are developed to harness it. Moreover, there will be a discussion of potential prospects of this form of energy and whether it will continue to be viable in coming year. Finally, the role of government in helping the development of newer and more efficient technologies to harness direct solar energy shall be recommended. This study is significant because it will develop an in depth investigation of the various uses of solar energy in the modern world. Furthermore, it will investigate potential uses of solar energy as well as technological developments which are being made to increase its usage as well as make it affordable for all people in the world. Finally, this study will develop recommendations concerning how both the private and public sectors can be of help in further development and application of solar energy. According to Leon and Kumar (2007) solar energy involves the use of technology to convert sunlight into electricity which can be used by individuals for their needs. Tritt, BÃ ¶ttner, and Chen (2008) state that there are two means of conducting this conversion and the first of these is through the use of photovoltaics which involve turning sunlight directly into electricity using technology in the photoelectric effect. The second means of turning sunlight into electricity is

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