Friday, February 21, 2020

Brand and its audience and the proposal and justification of a set of Essay

Brand and its audience and the proposal and justification of a set of marketing communications to enhance the brands equity with its target publics - Essay Example Tiger Beers global flavor pleases their palate. Majority of the Tiger Beer market is composed of the younger age brackets representing a potential increase in demand in the future. This market segment holds 35 percent of the UK population (National Statistics, 2009). The taste preference of UK people is also a consideration for Tiger Beer. The crisp, sweet beer offered is especially catered to the UK taste. More choices in terms of flavor offerings is now the name of the game with UK taste buds becoming harder to please and more fickle. The bulk of customers who purchase Tiger Beer, come from the class C socio-economic level, who are composed of lower C or middle income earners. Even in bars that are in high-end market locations, the bulk of customers drinking Tiger Beer are people of average income who are looking for a different taste away from the usual Carlsberg or Heineken. Employees and blue collar workers treat themselves to Tiger Beer because of its relatively affordable price, distinct taste, and colourful design. Furthermore, UK people love to drink and since are they are naturally collectivistic and fond of group gatherings, beer is their means of getting together to talk and mingle with others. In fact, beer has been one of the bases of the UK men’s social life (Tai, 2008). Brand Positioning can be defined as the particular position in which the brand defines itself as capturing in the competitive field (Kotler, 2004). Positioning refers to differentiating brand attributes, consumer benefits and target segments, individually or collectively. With regard to Tiger beer, the beer market that Tiger beer is positioned towards can be defined by its appeal to a specific market segment, its unique taste and lower price. Tiger Beer has been very profitable in the UK, because the brand has employed the British appeal for the exciting and unusual to its advantage.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

An Ethical Dilema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

An Ethical Dilema - Essay Example The person spent hours using the company phone lines in setting up of doctor’s appointment or making phone calls to their friends who are from different side of business on company time. Even when the person was in state of using internet in office computer, he had an interest in surfing to different social networking sites on company’s valuable time. His friend was obsessed with his behavior because it resulted in low performance. The same colleague used to have longer conversations with other colleagues which were irrelevant and had nothing to do with business. The situation did not offered his friend to report this unethical behavior to his supervisor because the person was his dearest friend and he did not wanted the company to take actions against his colleague. Due to his positive nature, the colleague started to continue the behavior excessively and always made his friend involved in his conversations. This also had a negative impact on his performance as he was unable to meet deadlines with the work. Answer 2: If I put myself in the role of an employee that had to deal with his colleague’s unethical behavior, I would have reviewed code of conduct and the company’s philosophy regarding the attitude of that employee. I would consult with my other colleagues the particular situation without revealing the name of any person in the scenario. This would help me understand rules of the company regarding an unethical behavior to conduct personal business on company’s time. Then simply I would pay visit to my colleague and let him know of his unethical behavior which is ruining the culture and philosophy of the organization. I would make him understand that his particular behavior is inflicting my performance curve with greater margins. I would make him realize that the company pays its employees for the work they have performed instead of doing personal business (Rhodes, 1986). If still the matter persisted with consistency, I would approach an ombudsperson that is charged with the duty of handling informal complaints from the working staff. This would allow me to make complaints against any employee regarding their behavior without revealing my name. These complaints are made confidential and the company assures employees’ anonymity in the case. This is also considered as the whistle blowing concept in which an employee has a right to share the wrongdoing practices happening within the firm to his manager and supervisor. This act would only be possible if actions made by a colleague are recognized as an unethical behavior. I would not be taking actions if the behavior would not have resulted in decrease in my performance (Garber, 2008). Answer 3: Ethical dilemmas often do not have clear responses unless the person has broken the law or regulations that are governed by the organization. The concept of integrity is to make correct choice between right and wrong. Individuals can make good decisions in this case if they have been prepared for the particular situation or their ethical base is strong. A person who commits to integrity will find himself in a right situation before it requires action against an ethical dilemma. In the above case of ethical dilemma, an employee had to make corrections with the colleague’s behavior. He had to make up his mind that the behavior he was pursuing was unethical and is resulting in low